Thirft internals

Warning: The content on this page is based on my understanding of thrift design by reading some parts of thrift source code. The content may go outdated in future if the thrift design changes. The thrift version at the time of writing this tutorial is 15.0

Facebook developers love threads!!

The first time I ran the server example, I was surprised to see that there are 12 threads (including the main thread) in the server process. I ran the server on a linode VM which had one virtual CPU.
Now let us change the server code little bit

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  std::shared_ptr<CalculatorSvc> ptr(new  CalculatorSvc());
  ThriftServer* s = new ThriftServer();
  return 0;

Even after this change, the number of threads are 12 in the server process. Seems that the cpp2 framework is not honoring the thread count parameters that we set.

Before we go into the internal design of the thrift to understand the threading model, we should know the reason behind having so many threads. If you follow this link (README), at the end of this readme file you will find Generic Multithreading Advice. This explains why having multiple threads is good for performance. At the same time it also states that if the number of threads is more than available CPU cores, then it degrades the performance.

If you are evaluating the thrift from a performance point of view, then you should be very careful about how many CPU cores you are evaluating on. To achieve the peak performance of the thrift, you should have the number of cores at least to the number threads the server process spawns.

Inside the thrift server

This is based on the code inside fbthrift/thrift/lib/cpp2/server/ folder. Some of the concepts used in the code are

Some of the above concepts can be expressed by this diagram:

Thrift internal diagram Thrift internal diagram

I want to control the number of threads in my server process

There are mainly three types of thread in ThriftServer. They are:

Thrift internal diagram

The ThriftServer provides two functions to control the number of threads: setNWorkerThreads and setNPoolThreads. The setNWorkerThreads works fine but the NumaThreadManager does not honor the setNPoolThreads. There are various possibilities to fix this

  1. Fix NumaThreadManager. Afterall, thrift is open source. Do it if you have time.
  2. Provide your own implementation of ThreadManager. Probably you should not be doing this.
  3. Tell ThriftServer to use SimpleThreadManager. The SimpleThreadManager is defined inside the thrift code but it is not smart thread manager as NumaThreadManager
  4. Run the service function in the IOThreadPoolExecutor thread itself rather than in a separate thread. And you can control the number of threads in IOThreadPoolExecutor.

Let us see how #4 can be used From the first example, compile the calculator.thrift as

python -m thrift_compiler.main --gen cpp2:process_in_event_base calculator.thrift

Then change the server code to

#include <iostream>
#include "gen-cpp2/Calculator.h"
#include <thrift/lib/cpp2/server/ThriftServer.h>

using namespace std;
using namespace apache::thrift;
using namespace example::cpp2;


class CalculatorSvc : public CalculatorSvIf
  virtual ~CalculatorSvc() {}
  void async_eb_add(
    std::unique_ptr<apache::thrift::HandlerCallback<int64_t>> callback,
    int32_t num1,
    int32_t num2) {
    callback->result(num1 + num2);

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  std::shared_ptr<CalculatorSvc> ptr(new  CalculatorSvc());
  // Disable Sasl. It can be done on commandline too
  FLAGS_sasl_policy = "disabled";
  ThriftServer* s = new ThriftServer();
  // Tell thrift server to not use NumaThreadManager
  return 0;

Compile the server as done previously. And run the server. Now the server process has only two threads including the main thread. Now we do not have any thread manager thread. There is a main thread on which the thrift server listens and another IOThreadPoolExecutor thread which receives the request and calls the service function in the same thread. If you want, you can increase the number of threads in IOThreadPoolExecutor. Also Sasl is disabled in this code. You can enable it if you need it. If enabled, it will create a separate thread.

Simplifying the server to server communication example

In server to server communication example, we had to run code in a separate thread. Now because we are running the service function in the IOThreadPoolExecutor thread, we do not need to delegate the work in the other thread. Now remove the async_tm_add function from that code and add this function

void async_eb_add(
  std::unique_ptr<apache::thrift::HandlerCallback<int64_t>> callback,
  int32_t num1,
  int32_t num2)
  cout << "Got async request " << num1 << " + " << num2 << endl;
  CallbackWrapper cb(callback);
  CalculatorAsyncClient* client = getClient(cb.ptr->getEventBase());;
  // Make the add function call on the real server
  folly::wangle::Future<int64_t> f = client->future_add(num1, num2);
      [cb](Try<int64_t>&& t) {
      // Now we have received the response from real calculator server
      // respond to the client with the same result
      cout << "Received response from other server" << endl;


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